Results for 'Vicenzo Lo Monaco'

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  1. ¿ Qué es la semántica de los mundos posibles?Vicenzo Lo Monaco - 1994 - Apuntes Filosóficos 5.
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    Methods for Studying the Structure of Social Representations: A Critical Review and Agenda for Future Research.Grégory Lo Monaco, Anthony Piermattéo, Patrick Rateau & Jean Louis Tavani - 2017 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 47 (3):306-331.
    This article deals with the methodologies commonly used in the framework of the structural approach to social representations. It concerns free and hierarchical evocations, the characterization questionnaire, the similarity analysis, the basic cognitive schemes model, the attribute-challenge technique and the test of context independence. More than a simple review of these methodologies, it offers a critical approach concerning the problems encountered and related to: thresholds or “cutoff points” used to diagnose the structure and the accuracy of the structural diagnosis, grouping (...)
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  3. De la crítica de Davidson a la idea de relativismo conceptual.Vincenzo Piero Lo Monaco - 2009 - Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 29 (1):51-67.
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  4. Un examen de la estructura lógica de las oraciones de creencia desde la interpretación radical de davidson.Vincenzo P. Lo Monaco - 2006 - Episteme 26 (1):57-88.
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    Entre presuposición óntica e inocencia metafísica: las raíces filosóficas de la cuantificación.Vincenzo P. Lo Monaco - 1991 - Caracas: Universidad Central de Venezuela, Facultad de Humanidades y Eduación, Publicaciones del Instituto de Filosofía.
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    On the prehistory of politian's miscellaneorum centuria secunda.Francesco Lo Monaco - 1989 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 52 (1):52-70.
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    Desencantamiento y revolución: conocimiento y sociedad en la modernidad.José Gómez Di Vicenzo - 2011 - San Martín, Provincia de Buenos Aires: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Edited by Ariel Mayo.
    "La modernidad trae consigo un nuevo modo de fundamentar el conocimiento. Ya no son los textos sagrados, los filósofos cercanos al dogma o los teólogos quienes brindan los marcos conceptuales a partir de los cuales legitimar el orden social y fundamentar la política. Los modernos emprenden un nuevo camino en el que el conocimiento surge como resultado de un proceso de construcción, como el resultado de la actividad racional humana. Proceso que aspira a llegar a consolidarse como un camino hacia (...)
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  8. Quand le verre s’efface derrière le vin : une analyse discursive des représentations du verre à vin.Albin Marchal Wagener - 2025 - Corpus 26 (26).
    While studies on wine tasting are abundant, particularly in sensory marketing, few analyses focus on the wine glass as a specific object. This object has been examined from various perspectives, including alcohol consumption (Banwell 1999), social practices (Lo Monaco et al. 2009), and even more intriguingly, the influence of the glass on the perception of wine aroma (Cliff 2001, Delwiche & Pelchat 2002). The purpose of this article, however, is to to analyze the linguistic and communicational object of the (...)
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    I fondamenti della libertà in J.G. Fichte. Studi sul primato del pratico.Tommaso Valentini - 2012 - Roma RM, Italia: Editori riuniti University Press.
    Il volume analizza il pensiero trascendentale di Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814) nei suoi elementi costitutivi. In particolare viene messo in evidenza che l’intento principale della filosofia fichtiana è quello di edificare un “sistema della libertà”, fondato sul primato del pratico (das Praktische) e dei costitutivi pratici della coscienza umana: l’intuizione intellettuale, l’immaginazione produttiva, lo Streben ed in primis il volere. Viene quindi sottolineato che uno dei vertici della speculazione di Fichte è rappresentato dal concetto di “volere puro” che costituisce il (...)
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    Il gaucho e la vergine Borges, Pier Damiani ei passati contingenti.Marco Rossini - 2003 - Doctor Virtualis 2:7-23.
    La discussione medievale sul tema dei futuri contingenti pone al centro dell’attenzione, da un lato, il modo di concepire conoscenza e potenza divine e, dall’altro, lo statuto degli eventi futuri. Pier Damiani, monaco dell’XI secolo, distingue fra la possibilità divina di mutare le conseguenze del passato e quella di produrre un passato interamente diverso. Pedro Damian, protagonista del racconto di Borges, riscatta il suo comportamento giovanile producendo poco alla volta un altro, diverso, passato. La potenza della memoria invece della (...)
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  11. Landauer e la rivoluzione [Landauer and the revolution].Martin Buber - 2006 - la Società Degli Individui 27:165-176.
    Buber ricorda l’amico Gustav Landauer, il rivoluzionario tedesco di origini ebree assassinato a Monaco nel 1919. Landauer incitava alla lotta contro lo Stato, i partiti e il capitalismo perché sosteneva un’idea di trasformazione radicale della società, fondata su uno spirito nuovo, comunitario, che non avrebbe modificato solo le forme esteriori di dominio, ma gli stessi rapporti tra gli uomini. I suoi discorsi non riuscirono tuttavia a catturare le masse. Landauer decise di partecipare alla rivoluzione tedesca non per realizzare la (...)
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  12. Reframing Consent for Clinical Research: A Function-Based Approach.Scott Y. H. Kim, David Wendler, Kevin P. Weinfurt, Robert Silbergleit, Rebecca D. Pentz, Franklin G. Miller, Bernard Lo, Steven Joffe, Christine Grady, Sara F. Goldkind, Nir Eyal & Neal W. Dickert - 2017 - American Journal of Bioethics 17 (12):3-11.
    Although informed consent is important in clinical research, questions persist regarding when it is necessary, what it requires, and how it should be obtained. The standard view in research ethics is that the function of informed consent is to respect individual autonomy. However, consent processes are multidimensional and serve other ethical functions as well. These functions deserve particular attention when barriers to consent exist. We argue that consent serves seven ethically important and conceptually distinct functions. The first four functions pertain (...)
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  13. Broad Consent for Research With Biological Samples: Workshop Conclusions.Christine Grady, Lisa Eckstein, Ben Berkman, Dan Brock, Robert Cook-Deegan, Stephanie M. Fullerton, Hank Greely, Mats G. Hansson, Sara Hull, Scott Kim, Bernie Lo, Rebecca Pentz, Laura Rodriguez, Carol Weil, Benjamin S. Wilfond & David Wendler - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (9):34-42.
    Different types of consent are used to obtain human biospecimens for future research. This variation has resulted in confusion regarding what research is permitted, inadvertent constraints on future research, and research proceeding without consent. The National Institutes of Health Clinical Center's Department of Bioethics held a workshop to consider the ethical acceptability of addressing these concerns by using broad consent for future research on stored biospecimens. Multiple bioethics scholars, who have written on these issues, discussed the reasons for consent, the (...)
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    Illuminated Bolognese Legal Manuscripts and Angevin Regnum Siciliae. The Advocates Volumen parvum in Edinburgh.Gianluca del Monaco - 2018 - Convivium 5 (1):158-169.
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  15. Educaçao na América Latina.Matteo di Vicenzo - 1993 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 49 (1):277-300.
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    Nuova Panda schiavi in mano.Lorenza Monaco - 2015 - Historical Materialism 23 (1):221-242.
    As the result of an interesting experiment in co-research, the crs1 group provides us with a short but pointed political pamphlet that is worth reading for several of its aspects. First, by explicitly adopting a labour perspective, it helps us to unravel the highly ideological design which lies behind the recent ‘politics of production’2 of the Italian fiat.3 Second, by trying to connect a theoretical analysis of the transformations undergone by labour under neoliberalism with the need for renewed and more (...)
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  17. Vibrant matter, polyphony and the ecology of attention in Sarah Moss's Summerwater.Angelo Monaco - 2025 - In Jean-Michel Ganteau & Susana Onega Jaén (eds.), The ethics of (in-)attention in contemporary Anglophone narrative. New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
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  18. Omissione della copula e frasi negative.Vicenzo Moscati - 2007 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 28:161-178.
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    L’islam tra il turbante e l’elmetto.Vicenzo Pace - 2015 - Horizonte 13 (38):669-673.
    Editoriale: L’islam tra il turbante e l’elmetto Dossier: Islam: Religione e Cultura v. 13, n. 38, apr./giung. 2015.
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    Type D Personality and Alexithymia: Common Characteristics of Two Different Constructs. Implications for Research and Clinical Practice.Maria S. Epifanio, Sonia Ingoglia, Pietro Alfano, Gianluca Lo Coco & Sabina La Grutta - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Consciousness, epilepsy, and emotional qualia.Francesco Monaco, Marco Mula & Andrea E. Cavanna - 2005 - Epilepsy and Behavior 7 (2):150-160.
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    COVID-19 pandemic, the scarcity of medical resources, community-centred medicine and discrimination against persons with disabilities.Nicola Panocchia, Viola D'ambrosio, Serafino Corti, Eluisa Lo Presti, Marco Bertelli, Maria Luisa Scattoni & Filippo Ghelma - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (6):362-366.
    This research aims to examine access to medical treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic for people living with disabilities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the practical and ethical problems of allocating limited medical resources such as intensive care unit beds and ventilators became critical. Although different countries have proposed different guidelines to manage this emergency, these proposed criteria do not sufficiently consider people living with disabilities. People living with disabilities are therefore at a higher risk of exclusion from medical treatments as physicians (...)
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  23. Individuation and Death in Spinoza’s Ethics: The Spanish Poet Case Reconsidered.Davide Monaco - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (5):941-958.
    The example of the Spanish poet’s amnesia, mentioned by Spinoza in the scholium of proposition 39 of part IV of the Ethics in order to elucidate his conception of death, has given rise to many controversies in the scholarly interpretations, which in most cases maintain that the poet dies and that Spinoza himself thought this way. However, the matter is more complex than it at first appears and in this article I take a different path by reconstructing this scholium anew (...)
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    Digital Approaches to Music-Making for People With Dementia in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Current Practice and Recommendations.Becky Dowson, Rebecca Atkinson, Julie Barnes, Clare Barone, Nick Cutts, Eleanor Donnebaum, Ming Hung Hsu, Irene Lo Coco, Gareth John, Grace Meadows, Angela O'Neill, Douglas Noble, Gabrielle Norman, Farai Pfende, Paul Quinn, Angela Warren, Catherine Watkins & Justine Schneider - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Before COVID-19, dementia singing groups and choirs flourished, providing activity, cognitive stimulation, and social support for thousands of people with dementia in the UK. Interactive music provides one of the most effective psychosocial interventions for people with dementia; it can allay agitation and promote wellbeing. Since COVID-19 has halted the delivery of in-person musical activities, it is important for the welfare of people with dementia and their carers to investigate what alternatives to live music making exist, how these alternatives are (...)
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    Embodied Semantics in a Second Language: Critical Review and Clinical Implications.Elisa Monaco, Lea B. Jost, Pascal M. Gygax & Jean-Marie Annoni - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    The Challenge of Quantification: An Interdisciplinary Reading.Monica Di Fiore, Marta Kuc-Czarnecka, Samuele Lo Piano, Arnald Puy & Andrea Saltelli - 2023 - Minerva 61 (1):53-70.
    The present work looks at what we call “the multiverse of quantification”, where visible and invisible numbers permeate all aspects and venues of life. We review the contributions of different authors who focus on the roles of quantification in society, with the aim of capturing different and sometimes separate voices. Several scholars, including economists, jurists, philosophers, sociologists, communication and data scientists, express concerns or identify critical areas of our relationship with new technologies of ‘numericization’. While mindful of the important specificities (...)
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    Mitigating Racial Bias in Machine Learning.Kristin M. Kostick-Quenet, I. Glenn Cohen, Sara Gerke, Bernard Lo, James Antaki, Faezah Movahedi, Hasna Njah, Lauren Schoen, Jerry E. Estep & J. S. Blumenthal-Barby - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (1):92-100.
    When applied in the health sector, AI-based applications raise not only ethical but legal and safety concerns, where algorithms trained on data from majority populations can generate less accurate or reliable results for minorities and other disadvantaged groups.
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  28. Reseña del libro" Essere, fondamento, abisso: Heidegger e la questione del nulla", de R, Morani.Claudia Lo Casto - 2010 - Giornale di Metafisica 32 (1):195-199.
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    The Task Force Responds.Baruch Brody, Nancy Dubler, Jeff Blustein, Arthur Caplan, Jeffrey P. Kahn, Nancy Kass, Bernard Lo, Jonathan Moreno, Jeremy Sugarman & Laurie Zoloth - 2002 - Hastings Center Report 32 (3):22-23.
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    How action selection can be embodied: intracranial gamma band recording shows response competition during the Eriksen flankers test.Fausto Caruana, Sebo Uithol, Gaetano Cantalupo, Ivana Sartori, Giorgio Lo Russo & Pietro Avanzini - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  31. Act and potency in Cusanus' later thought.Davide Monaco - 2020 - In Emmanuele Vimercati & Valentina Zaffino (eds.), Nicholas of Cusa and the Aristotelian tradition: a philosophical and theological survey. Berlin: De Gruyter.
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    The selfish environment meets the selfish gene: Coevolution and inheritance of RNA and DNA pools.Anthony P. Monaco - 2022 - Bioessays 44 (2):2100239.
    Throughout evolution, there has been interaction and exchange between RNA pools in the environment, and DNA and RNA pools of eukaryotic organisms. Metagenomic and metatranscriptomic sequencing of invertebrate hosts and their microbiota has revealed a rich evolutionary history of RNA virus shuttling between species. Horizontal transfer adapted the RNA pool for successful future interactions which lead to zoonotic transmission and detrimental RNA viral pandemics like SARS‐CoV2. In eukaryotes, noncoding RNA (ncRNA) is an established mechanism derived from prokaryotes to defend against (...)
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    In Honor and Memory of Sumner B. Twiss.Diana Fritz Cates, Irene Oh, Bruce Grelle, Simeon O. Ilesanmi, John Kelsay, Paul Lauritzen, David Little, Ping-Cheung “Pc” Lo & Kate E. Temoney - 2024 - Journal of Religious Ethics 51 (4):545-566.
    Sumner B. (Barney) Twiss, who died in 2023, was for ten years a General Editor of the Journal of Religious Ethics (JRE). He was a frequent contributor of articles, a member of the JRE Editorial Board, and a member of the journal's Board of Trustees. In this article, colleagues and students reflect on some of his many contributions, not only to the JRE but to the broader discursive fields of comparative religious ethics and human rights.
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  34. Cusano e la tolleranza religiosa. La fortuna del "De Pace Fidei".Davide Monaco - 2013 - Isonomia: Online Philosophical Journal of the University of Urbino:1-15.
    The article tries to reconstruct the Wirkungsgeschichte of the De pace fidei and it focuses on some fundamental moments of its fate. Nicholas of Cusa was one of the first not just to recognize other religions' value, but also to individuate a source of richness in religious pluralism. His work had fortune since the years after its draft, the 1453, known and quoted by Eimerico da Campo, Giovanni of Segovia, Juan de Torquemada and Pope Pius II. The debate, alive and (...)
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    ‘Nothing is simply one thing’: Woolf, Deleuze and Difference.Beatrice Monaco - 2013 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 7 (4):456-474.
    This paper explores some key texts of Virginia Woolf in the context of Deleuzian concepts. Using a close reading style, it shows how the prose poetry in Mrs Dalloway engages a complex interplay of repetition and difference, resulting in a remarkably similar model of the three syntheses of time as Deleuze understands them. It subsequently explores Woolf's technical processes in a key passage from To the Lighthouse, showing how the prose-poetic technique systematically undoes the structures of logical fact and rationality (...)
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    Monadi, specchi e menti. Pensiero matematico e “imago Dei” nell’opera di Cusano.Davide Monaco - unknown
    Monads, mirrors and minds. Mathematical thinking and “imago Dei” in the work of Nicholas of Cusa. This article introduces Nicholas of Cusa monadic vision of reality: the world acquires sense and value as contraction Dei, that is the ability of God’s infinite power to concentrate, individualise and actualise itself in each and every created thing by the infinite divine power. In the universal explicatio Dei the human mens has an exclusive and privileged role: it is not mere explication, but living (...)
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  37. Pensare l’Uno con Cusano. L’interpretazione di Werner Beierwaltes.Davide Monaco - 2009 - Il Pensiero 1:115-128.
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    Byung-Chul, Han, Infocracia, la digitalización y la crisis de la democracia.Rodolfo Marcone Lo Presti - 2023 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 48:299-308.
    Este artículo reseña: Byung-Chul, HAN, Infocracia, la digitalización y la crisis de la democracia., Editorial Taurus, Santiago de Chile, 2022. 91 pp.
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    Drahomanivsʹkyĭ zbirnyk: "Vilʹna spilka" ta suchasnyĭ ukraïnsʹkyĭ konstytut︠s︡ionalizm.Taras Andrusi︠a︡k & Mykhaĭlo Petrovych Drahomaniv (eds.) - 1996 - Lʹviv: Vyd-vo "Svit".
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    Factor analysis and validation of a self-report measure of impaired fear inhibition.Tom J. Barry, Helen M. Baker, Christine H. M. Chiu, Barbara C. Y. Lo & Jennifer Y. F. Lau - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (3):512-523.
    ABSTRACTDifficulties with inhibiting fear have been associated with the emergence of anxiety problems and poor response to cognitive–behavioural treatment. Fear inhibition problems measured using experimental paradigms involving aversive stimuli may be inappropriate for vulnerable samples and may not capture fear inhibition problems evident in everyday life. We present the Fear Inhibition Questionnaire, a self-report measure of fear inhibition abilities. We assess the FIQ’s factor structure across two cultures and how well it correlates with fear inhibition indices derived experimentally. Adolescent participants (...)
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    Etica digitale: verità, responsabilità e fiducia nell'era delle macchine intelligenti.Marta Bertolaso & Giovanni Lo Storto (eds.) - 2021 - Roma: Luiss University Press.
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    Figuras del logos: entre la filosofía y la literatura.López de la Vieja & Ma Teresa (eds.) - 1994 - Madrid: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
    La perspectiva simult nea de filosof a y literatura, permite valorar qu grado de conocimiento hay en la ficci n, c mo se construyen subjetividad y texto, mundo y lenguaje. Muestra las posibilidades, te ricas y pr cticas, de la relaci n interna entre diferentes espacios argumentativos, entre actividades que poseen una vertiente creativa y, a la vez, una importante faceta reflexiva.
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  43. El Filósofo Rancio: sus ideas políticas y las de su tiempo.Raimundo de Miguel López - 1964 - Burgos,: Seminario Metropolitano de Burgos.
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  44. Una defensa del contextualismo radical.Nicolás Lo Guercio - 2015 - In Eleonora Orlando (ed.), Significados en contexto y verdad relativa: ensayos sobre semática y pragmática. [Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina]: Título.
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    Body Image Concerns in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer: A Longitudinal Study.Melissa Henry, Justine G. Albert, Saul Frenkiel, Michael Hier, Anthony Zeitouni, Karen Kost, Alex Mlynarek, Martin Black, Christina MacDonald, Keith Richardson, Marco Mascarella, Gregoire B. Morand, Gabrielle Chartier, Nader Sadeghi, Christopher Lo & Zeev Rosberger - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveHead and neck cancer treatments are known to significantly affect functionality and appearance, leading to an increased risk for body image disturbances. Yet, few longitudinal studies exist to examine body image in these patients. Based on a conceptual model, the current study aimed to determine, in patients newly diagnosed with HNC: the prevalence, level, and course of body image concerns; correlates of upon cancer diagnosis body image concerns; predictors of immediate post-treatment body image concerns; and association between body image concerns (...)
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    Zvezda volkhvov, ili, Khristos v Gimalai︠a︡kh.K. G. Mi︠a︡lo - 1999 - Moskva: "Belovodʹe".
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    Factors Predicting Nurses' Consideration of Leaving their Job During the Sars Outbreak.Judith Shu-Chu Shiao, David Koh, Li-Hua Lo, Meng-Kin Lim & Yueliang Leon Guo - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (1):5-17.
    Taiwan was affected by an outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in early 2003. A questionnaire survey was conducted to determine (1) the perceptions of risk of SARS infection in nurses; (2) the proportion of nurses considering leaving their job; and (3) work as well as non-work factors related to nurses' consideration of leaving their job because of the SARS outbreak. Nearly three quarters (71.9%) of the participants believed they were 'at great risk of exposure to SARS', 49.9% felt'an (...)
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    Occupations at Risk and Organizational Well-Being: An Empirical Test of a Job Insecurity Integrated Model.Antonio Chirumbolo, Flavio Urbini, Antonino Callea, Alessandro Lo Presti & Alessandra Talamo - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Monitoring Alpha Oscillations and Pupil Dilation across a Performance-Intensity Function.Catherine M. McMahon, Isabelle Boisvert, Peter de Lissa, Louise Granger, Ronny Ibrahim, Chi Yhun Lo, Kelly Miles & Petra L. Graham - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  50. How to Read a Film: The World of Movies, Media, Multimedia: Language.James Monaco - 2000 - History, Theory 3.
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